“My GLOSS experience has been wonderful. I have learned so many things that will help me in the future. I feel like my relationship with God has become closer. I have learned to love and respect my fellow peers. GLOSS will help me when I get to college because of the wonderful services we do. I believe I have become a better person since I have joined GLOSS. I believe and hope that GLOSS will help me in the long run.”
— Butterfly Kamiah W.
As a member of GLOSS, young ladies have the opportunity to engage in our three signature programs. Participation in all three programs plays a key role in enhancing their sisterhood and mentoring experience.
Read more about each program below.
Beyond My
Stomping Ground
Butterfly Café is our bi-monthly, virtual platform to experience the seven core values of GLOSS, learn more about God and who they are as individuals.
Butterfly Cafe is facilitated by GLOSS Phase Coaches (mentors). Guest speakers are invited to enhance certain topics. Facilitators follow a curriculum and update when necessary to meet the needs of the young ladies. Participation in this program plays a key role in enhancing community and spiritual formation among our members and volunteers. Since 2020, Butterfly Cafe has been hosted virtually.
Our service projects occur monthly and vary from nursing home visits to gardening to homeless soup kitchens.
This program allows our young ladies to serve others and demonstrate kindness, humility, meekness and love as highlighted in one of our core scriptures—Colossians 3:12-17. Future opportunities will include mission trips. Significant Service supports three of our core values—testimonials, encouraging and learning.
Diabetes Walk
BMSG is designed to expose young ladies to new and unfamiliar experiences.
GLOSS believes that young ladies will benefit from participating in experiences that are “beyond their stomping ground”—their usual interactions. BMSG was created to challenge cultural norms and expand worldviews. We want to help our young ladies develop an understanding of our multicultural God, as seen in Revelation 7:9.